Troop 162 Make-up
Most of our Scouts live in the north Austin area.  New Scouts tend to come from Laurel Mountain, Caraway, Spicewood, and Pond Springs Elementary schools.  We also have some scouts from the Round Rock and Cedar Park areas.

Depending on the time of the year, our troop has between 50 and 70 scouts. Our regular troop meetings are Mondays at 7:00pm.  Usually the first Monday of the month is the Patrol Leaders Council meeting, most other Mondays are troop meetings. Please check the calendar for the most up-to-date schedule of meetings and events.

We believe our troop size is ideal as it allows for each scout to feel involved and not get "lost" in a huge group, while at the same time being of sufficient size to allow us to consistently plan and execute a robust attendance at monthly campouts, plan for one to two summer camps each summer and field a crew for one to two high adventure trips each year.

Rank Advancement Goal
A good and achievable goal is for each new Scout is to achieve the rank of First Class in his first 18-24 months in Boy Scouts. However, there is NO set pace for rank advancement, and we encourage scouts to work at a pace that they set for themselves, with minimal (or preferably no) parental "pushing."

We encourage all the adults to become either an ASM (Assistant Scoutmaster) or a TCM (Troop Committee Member). Both ASMs and TCMs serve as Merit Badge Counselors for any of the 120+ Merit Badges in BSA.

  • ASMs help out with the Scout program and rank advancement - focusing on helping the scout patrols utilize the Patrol Method, support troop meetings, and troop campouts. 
  • TCMs help to ensure that our boy-led troop can execute the logistics required for the planned activities. The TCM members also serve on Boards of Review, go on campouts, and attend Troop Committee Meetings.  

Annual T162 fees for 2023 are currently set at $110, in addition to the $80 BSA National youth membership fee. The Troop fee subsidizes the costs of outings, family events, awards, financial aid, and equipment maintenance. The direct costs of campouts and treks (transportation, food, campsite fees, activity fees, etc.) are typically paid for by the participating scouts.

The History Of Troop 162
Troop 162 was originally chartered at the Hallmark Baptist Church in 1987 with a fraction of the scouts we have now. Troop 162 had its first eagle scout in 1987 and for the next couple decades, our troop would steadily grow and refine nearly all of the traditions we know today (Monday meetings, Monthly campouts, Annual Canoe outings, etc.).  Since 2014 we have been chartered by Unity Church of the Hills.   Unity Church has been a gracious and supportive host, permitting us to meet outside, remain centrally located to the area, and supported our active and diverse program.  By 2021, Troop 162 had grown to nearly 70 scouts, a size which we maintain to this day.  Troop 162 has had the honor of helping over 100 scouts achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, visited all four of the BSA National High Adventure Bases, attended National and World Jamborees, performed thousands of hours of community service, and provided a nurturing atmosphere for many young men.

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